Saturday, June 1, 2019

Essay --

Clarence MaiMrs. ChaidERWC12 February, 2014Peace Through Strength No matter how oxymoronic it seems, I potently agree with the phrase The only way to prepare for peace is to be prepared for warfare.I feel that this relates back to the adage that the best defense is a good offense. For me, I view the Cold War as proof that the weapons of war can also be used as instruments of peace. To sound off, one of the key ideas behind the tense, yet somewhat stable peace between the Soviet Union and United States during the second half of the 20th nose candy was the concept of Mutually Assured Destruction, or MAD. As both of the worlds superpowers attempted to outstrip each other in a thermonuclear arms race, it grew increasingly apparent that should one nation attempt to strike the other or its allies with nuclear weapons, the consequences from the secondary strike would cause an inconceivable loss of life and likely the extinction of the human race. Consider the Cuban Missil e Crisis, for instance. There were multiple times where all out nuclear war between the East and the West ca...

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